AARC Hosts several nets over the course of a week:
Weekly Digital Voice (DSTAR) Net
Tuesday Evenings at 20:40hrs Local Time
This net can be heard on the DSTAR Repeaters VA3AAR B and A
Also available on Analog Repeater VA3AAR 145.55 Mhz
Multi-Mode Reflector XRF197B
Net Control: Dale VE3XZT
Weekly VA3ARE Analog Net
Wednesday Evenings at 21:00hrs Local Time
Repeater VA3ARE 147.270+ 100Hz
Net Control: Les VA3BZQ
Thursday Evening at 20:00hrs Local Time
Slow Speed CW Net
6m 50.200 MHz CW
Thursday Evening at 20:30hrs Local Time
6m 50.200 Mhz USB
If running a beam please point toward Union Hall/Clayton.
Net control: Bob VE3AKV