AARC Installs new Fusion/C4FM Repeater

Report from Phil VE3HOA Repeater Manager:
The new Yaesu DR-2X repeater was installed at Union Hall, in place of the poor performing Allstar repeater, on Wednesday Jan 16, 2025. It has the following features:

Callsign – VA3UHR
Dual mode – capable of either C4FM digital or FM analog
Operational frequency info:
TX = 145.55 mhz
Rx = 144.95 mhz (aka negative offset)
TX power to the antenna (after the filter system): 50 watts
FM analog CTCSS tone = 88.5hz
Digital capabilities:

Digital C4FM comms via RF through the repeater will also be exchanged with internet based networks to which the repeater has external connections as follows:

– Linked to the XLX197B reflector via the site internet
To be able to have your C4FM RF communications via the repeater pass through to the XLX197B reflector, the DG-ID on your Yaesu radio must be set to 11 for both TX and RX.

Check your radio’s manual to find out how to access that setting. On my radio, I needed to press and hold the “GM” key to access it.

– Linked to the Yaesu Wires-X network via RF (wires-x node is located at VE3HOA’s QTH)

Wires-X info:
Node ID – #35008; name: VA3HOA-ND
Room ID – #45008; name: ALMONTE-ARC

Although I created an “Almonte-ARC” room, currently the repeater has been connected to a default room which is “SLEEPING-GIANT” (id# 03288) due to interest within the club membership. This has worked out very well for exercising the system, and has fostered new relationships. We may continue with this for some time. The default room can be changed at any time by a ham using a Yaesu transceiver with Wires-X capability. The change will timeout after one hour, and it will revert to the default room.

Note that when the FM analog mode is used, the communications will not be passed onto the linked systems. Only radio to radio RF comms through the repeater will take place.

Future activities – it is planned that a repeater will be installed at the Almonte hospital site later this year (callsign VA3HSP). This should provide good coverage of the downtown core for any club activities there. The operational frequency is yet to be confirmed. However, I’m thinking that the 444.225- Mhz pair used for testing of the DR-2X repeater may be the best option. This would avoid the inevitable noise and intermod problems typical of a two meter repeater. This may involve a re-host of the TX and RX radios in the Allstar repeater that was removed from Union Hall. I have some spares on hand that I believe will do the job.

AARC Donates to Civitan Club Accessible Playground Project

The Almonte Amateur Radio Club (AARC) has donated $1000 to the Almonte Civitan Club in support of their Accessible Playground Project. In the past AARC has supported the Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor for a current total of $2000. The club executive and membership unanimously decided that the Civitan Project was worthy of a donation.

For those uninitiated, Amateur Radio, more commonly known as ham radio is a popular hobby and service that brings people, electronics and communications together. People use ham radio to talk across town, around the world, or even into space, all without the Internet or cell phones. It can be fun, social, educational, and be a lifeline during times of need. Amateur Radio is a regulated hobby requiring licensed operators. unlike other non-commercial hobbies or services.

AARC has been around for over 25 years and maintains several systems. Enabling communication not only in Almonte but also across Lanark County. Members, (there are currently 30) support the club through annual donations and fund raising that cover technical, and other requirements. You may ask how the AARC is able to provide this level of financial support to the community. This comes about by the generosity of members who have passed (known by hams as Silent Keys) who donated their ham radio estate and willed that funds derived from the sale of items are given to the club.

Image: Left to right: Ron Terpstra (Civitan), John Christensen (AARC Treasurer), Bob Clermont (AARC President), Robin Webb (AARC Secretary)

Club Meetings

Club meetings are held Bi-Monthly on the third Wednesday of the month. For members, this be will be confirmed via the club group site bulk email portal. Meetings at the Almonte Legion usually coinciding with “wings night”.

AARC Net on HF Hosted by Bob VE3AKV

Update July 2024
Every Thursday evening, 8:00pm 6m CW slow speed net 50.200MHz and at 8:30pm switch to 6m phone 50.200Mhz USB, a very informal net lasting until approximately 9pm. 
If you’re running a beam, face it towards Clayton, or Union Hall.
Come join in and say hello.